Personality trait
What is Personality? Personality literally means "Mask worn on stage by actors in ancient DRAMAS ".
Personality is definitely more than your looks and your popularity, it is you - body and mind and emotions living at your peak. Personality is an individual's totality of characteristics like Intelligence , Looks , Character , etc. that distinguishes him or her others. The way you look , the way you talk , and the way you act , are the three main things that 'set' your Personality. Charm is a sort of bloom on a personality. Thia invaluable assest of personality is not inborn. It can be developed easily by a thorough study and steady practice of the personality traits.
Success or Greatness is a personal concept. For many people, success means popularity or being wealthy or both. For some Formula people, success means "Leading a happy life", unmindful of fame or wealth. It all is as per your mind. I suggest that you go through all these personality traits first and then think of what is "Success" or "Happiness" or both in your opinion.
Be A Tree
Great man find tongues in trees. Lord Krishna said that great person behaves like tree. Like a tree full of fruits or a cloud full of water, a man with knowledge is highly obedient and humble, "Vidhya Vinaya Sampannaha",. A tree full of fruits bows its head and offers its fruits to one and all irrespective of their status, class or creed. a grat man also offers whatever he has with him-riches , knowledge power , to everyone without any reservation.
Developing your personality starts with understanding yourself. Evaluate what traits you see in yourself, and what you want to improve. Identify and focus on the positive personality traits that strengthen your confidence, openness, perseverance, kindness, and humility. On the flipside, it's important to know what traits won't get you the results you want. Ultimately, each person's personality is their own, and there is no one way to have a happier or more attractive personality. By understanding more about yourself, you can let your positive qualities shine through.
1. Write down five personalities traits about yourself 2. Evaluate the positive and negative 3. Identify activities you enjoy 4. Assess what you want to improve
courses: It included in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. However, some institutes also offer specialised certificate courses. Some of the topics covered as part of the course are:
- Personality grooming
- Behavioural skills
- Public speaking, Interview skills, Presentation skills, Effective listening
- Confidence building
- SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis
- Leadership qualities
- Efficient organisational and managerial skills
- Relationship management, etc.
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